- 当社は、必要に応じて本利用規約の内容を随時任意に変更できます。なお、当社は、当該変更内容につき事前にお客様に通知します。
- 本利用規約の内容の変更後、お客様が本サービスの利用を継続した場合、当社は当該変更をお客様が承諾したものとみなします。
- お客様は、自己の費用と責任において、本サービスを利用するために必要な、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、インターネット接続環境等の準備および維持管理を行うものとします。
- 本サービスのダウンロード、インストール及び本サービスの利用に伴い発生する通信料等はお客様のご負担とし、当社は一切負担しないものとします。
- 当社は、本サービスについて慎重に開発、制作、管理をしますが、お客様が本サービスの利用に際して行った一切の行為、その結果及び当該行為によって被った損害について、何らの責任も負わないものとします。
- お客様は、自己の費用と責任において、本サービスにおける自己の行為に関連して発生した、第三者からの苦情、問い合わせ、損害賠償請求等の紛争を処理解決するものとします。
- 当社は、お客様と第三者との間で生じた紛争には関知いたしません。
- 法令に違反する行為及び違反する行為を幇助・勧誘・強制・助長する行為
- 当社又は本サービスのサーバーに過度の負担を及ぼす行為
- 当社又は本サービスの運営を妨害する行為、当社が不適切であると合理的な理由により判断する行為
- 他のお客様の当社又は本サービスの利用を妨害する行為
- 公職選挙法に抵触する行為
- 他人の名誉、社会的信用、プライバシー、肖像権、パブリシティ権、著作権その他の知的財産権、その他の権利を侵害する行為(法令で定めたもの及び判例上認められたもの全てを含む)
- 他のお客様への中傷、脅迫、いやがらせに該当する行為
- 差別につながる民族・宗教・人種・性別・年齢等に関する表現行為
- 自殺、集団自殺、自傷、違法薬物使用、脱法薬物使用等を勧誘・誘発・助長するような行為
- 性交及びわいせつな行為を目的とした出会い等を誘導する行為
- 性的、わいせつ的、暴力的な表現行為、その他過度の不快感を及ぼすおそれのある行為
- 児童買春・ポルノ、無修正ビデオ動画のダウンロードサイト等へのリンク掲載
- 当社の許諾を得ない売買行為、オークション行為、金銭支払やその他の類似行為
- 当社の許諾を得ない商品の広告、宣伝を目的としたプロフィール内容の公開、その他スパムメール、チェーンメール等の勧誘を目的とする行為
- 他人の名義、その他会社等の組織名を名乗ること等による、なりすまし行為
- 未成年者が法定代理人(親権者)の同意を得ずに、本サービスを利用する行為
- 本利用規約等に違反する行為
- 公序良俗に反する行為
- その他上記に準じる行為
- 当社は本サービスについて、当社の都合により任意の理由で、追加、変更、終了することができます。
- 当社が本サービスの提供を終了する場合、当社はお客様に対して、本サービスのウェブサイト上において事前に通知するものとします。なお、事前の通知は、お客様に与える影響を考慮したうえで、合理的な事前告知期間を設けるものとします。
- お客様が本サービスを利用する場合、当社は本サービスに掲載される全ての情報、アプリ、その他のコンテンツについて、法令により求められている場合を除き、その正確性、合法性、道徳性、最新性、適法性などについて保証することができません。また、当社は、アプリケーション等の利用に際し、お客様において取得したアイテムその他のデータについて、法令により求められている場合を除き、一切保証することはできません。
- 本サービスは、ネットワークシステムのメンテナンス、営業上の理由による場合、天災地変、停電、通信障害、法令の制定改廃、その他のやむを得ない事情による場合等の理由により、お客様に事前に通知することなく、サービスの一部又は全部についての休止や終了、一時的な中断が発生する場合があり、お客様はこれを予め承諾するものとします。
- 当社は、本サービスを利用したこと、又は利用できないことに関して、予見性の有無にかかわらず直接的又は間接的な損害を問わず、法令に反しない限りにおいて一切責任を負わないものとします。
制定日 2023年 11月 1日
- 名称
- 株式会社シリウスアルパ
- お問合せ
- mobile@halcon.jpn.com
Privacy Policy|App Privacy Policy
Site Policy|App Terms And Conditions|Company
Section 1. General
This page (together with the documents referred to on it) tells you the terms of use (the “Terms of Use”) on which you may make use of our application (the "Application") and the services (the "Services") related to it, as offered by Sirius ("The Company"). Please read these Terms of Use carefully before you download, install or use the App.
By downloading, installing or using the Application, you indicate that you accept these Terms of Use and that you agree to abide by them. Your download, installation or use of the Application constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use which takes effect on the date on which you download, install or use the Application. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you should cease downloading, installing or using the Application immediately.
Section 2. Change of Terms of Use
- We may periodically change, add or delete terms from these Terms of Use. We will notify you of such changes in advance.
- By continuing to use this Application following such modifications, you agree to be bound by such modifications.
Section 3. User Conduct on the Website
You agree to use the Service at your sole expense and responsibility.
- You agree to assume the responsibility to perform the maintenance required to use this Service, including providing the hardware, software, and Internet connection environment.
- The Company shall not bear the cost of data fees generated from the download of the Service. The use of the Service and its installation will be borne by the customer.
- We have carefully produced, managed and developed this Service, and we do not assume any responsibilities for the customers' use of the Service, or the damages generated as the result of such use.
- The users of the Service assume the responsibility and expense for any complaints, inquiries from third parties, claim for damages, etc, connected with the users' behaviour within the Service.
- The Company will not be liable for any damages that occur to the customer or disputes between the customer and third parties.
Section 4: Prohibited Acts
The following acts are prohibited when using the Service.
You agree that the Company, at its sole discretion, with or without prior notice, may freeze or cancel your username, password, or use of the Service (any part thereof) for any reason, including without limitation, if the Company believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with these Policies in any way.
- Acts of engaging in illegal activities or promoting dangerous and illegal acts.
- Any act which causes, or may cause, excessive load to the server of the Website.
- Acts which are interpreted as socially inappropriate behavior.
- Acts that obstruct or interfere with the operation of the Service or use of the Service by a third party, or other acts that the Company deems inappropriate based on reasonable grounds.
- Pre-election campaigning, election campaigning or similar acts, or acts that conflict with the Public Offices Election Act.
- Acts of infringement on the patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, copyright, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of a third party or the Company, or acts that are likely to cause such infringement.
- Morally and politically deplorable acts, such as harassing, intimidating, slandering other users.
- Acts such as harassing, degrading, intimidating or being hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability.
- Acts soliciting, inducing, encouraging suicide, mass suicide, self-harm, illicit drug use, circumvention of the law
- Seeking encounters with unacquainted persons of the opposite sex or acts intended to lure people into such encounters.
- Acts involving any representation of child pornography, child abuse, or obscene images of sexual activity or genitalia; or involving representations of sexual activity or any activity equivalent to sexual activity (prohibited irrespective of whether the image has been pixilated or has artistic merits).
- Posting links to sites for downloading (including streaming) video images (irrespective of whether such images have been altered) that involve obscenity, child prostitution, or child pornography.
- Commercial promotion, advertising or soliciting without the Company's approval.
- Social media curations or comments soliciting others for multi-level marketing programs, pyramid schemes, chain mail, or paid to read email schemes.
- Acts aimed at obtaining personally identifiable information, such as another person's address, name, email address, or telephone number.
- The use of the Service by minors without the consent of their parents, guardians.
- Acts that violate the Company's Terms of Service.
- Acts that violate, or may violate, laws and regulations, standards of decency, or social norms.
- Other acts determined to be inappropriate by the Company.
Section 5: Compensatory Damages
For continued use of the Service, users are prohibited from engaging in the following acts in the Service. If the Company identifies any prohibited act, the Company will warn the relevant user, delete the relevant information displayed on the Service or the relevant user registration, or take any other necessary and appropriate measures. In addition, the Company has the right to determine the details of the measures to be taken and will not acknowledge any question or claim regarding the results of the determination.
Section 6: Adding, Changing, Terminating the Service
- The Company reserves the right to add to, delete from, or modify any part of the Service.
- The Company reserves the right to take such actions giving advance notice where possible.
Section 7: Disclaimer
- The Company has no control over the quality, safety, morality or legality of any aspect of the items listed, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to pay for the items.
- When there is or may be a natural disaster, incident, or any other emergency, The Company may restrict or suspend the use of Service to prevent disasters, ensure relief, traffic, telecommunication, or supply of electric power, or prioritize telecommunications required for the maintenance of order or other urgent telecommunication required for public interest.
- The Company shall not take any liability irrespective of the existence of predictability about indirect damage, special damage, incidental damage, consequential damage, resultant damage and lost profit.
Section 8: Applicable Law and Language
This agreement is governed by the Japan laws and any disputes regarding this agreement and/or the Service, such as the interpretation of this agreement, is the exclusive competence of the Sapporo District Court.
These Terms of Use shall be executed in the Japanese language. Japanese shall be the governing language and any translation of these Terms of Use into any other language is for convenience of reference only and shall not bind the parties hereto.
(Supplementary Provision)
This privacy policy went into effect on November 1st, 2023.
Date of Enactment: November 1st, 2023
Privacy Policy|App Privacy Policy
Site Policy|App Terms And Conditions|Company
- Company Name:
- Sirius-α Co., Ltd.
- Address:
- PO Box 105-0004
Daiichi-Hibiya Bldg. 5F,
- Contact:
- mobile@halcon.jpn.com